Transform Your Data into Compelling Stories with Our App
Trading View is one of the most widely used free online charting apps. TradingView users easily create high-quality content to analyze the situation on a particular financial market.
Data visualization app
About TradingView app
TradingView is an app for charting and turning data into compelling stories, with a community of people interested in trading, investing in various markets. TradingView offers both free tools and paid tools.

To interact with TradingView, the first thing you need to do is to create an account. Although it is not necessary to do this for familiarization. The process of registering an account on the platform is quite simple and clear, which simplifies the interaction with the app.
Follow the markets in the TradingView app
Perform technical analysis in the TradingView app with ease
On TradingView you will find stocks of almost all companies and their charts. In the window of an open chart, you can familiarize yourself in more detail with what analytical tools it offers. Here you can also monitor the latest news in the field of finance.

After the user has familiarized himself with the interface, if necessary, determine the tools for personal trading needs. One of the advantages of this resource is the availability of many different tools for drawing graphs. There are Fibonacci lines and numbers, as well as more complex tools such as volume area profile or implied volatility.

Once the chart is created, it can be published so that other members of the community can give their personal opinion on the idea presented. This will be especially interesting for those who need help or interaction with like-minded people.

In addition to technical analysis, the service allows you to use fundamental indicators like P/E, Cash Flow, etc. Other ways to use TradingView include chart customization: price levels or triggers of technical indicators.
Need trading ideas? Use the TradingView app
It should be noted that it is not necessary to build a chart on your own. If you need trading ideas, you can visit the "Ideas" section of the site and see what others think about the development of this or that company or currency. Here you can find the community's opinions on various markets: from cryptocurrency to shares of major companies.

Trading ideas are created on a discretionary basis. Anyone who feels they can contribute can publish their work to present it to the community. TradingView has done a great job towards providing the community with quality content, it is probably one of the few places where you can find free good quality content, if not the only one.

Note that once a graphic is published, the figure is not editable. This way, you can compare how much of an idea was realized as planned. This should not be used to prove that one author is better than another, but to learn and adapt to market sentiment.
Simplify data analysis with the TradingView app
TradingView is an extremely useful platform that provides users with the ability to chart and analyze market conditions.

Thanks to the flow of information and the growth of financial technology, analysis can be built on a strictly personalized approach. For those who want to try their hand at technical analysis, TradingView is a great opportunity. Here, one can utilize their thoughts and the ideas of other traders without having to spend money. If the user needs more features, paid versions can be used. TradingView is one of the best free market charting platforms.
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